Our vision

GLOBAL DATA GATEWAY is destined to be recognized as a leading data management company, offering pioneering services that support our client’s endeavours, staff’s development and a sustainable community environment.

Our mission

We are a dynamic company that is dedicated to providing a unique data management experience for our clients. We understand that data and information are critical for our client’s success. Our goal is to provide reliable, accountable and safe data solutions that meet our client’s business needs.

Our values

  • Customer focused
  • Integrity
  • Passion
  • Innovative
  • Community based


GDG was established by Dr Tendani Mawela; an Information Systems Practitioner and Researcher who is also a member of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) and the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT) and; Linda MacPhail who is a Chartered Accountant CA(SA), and a member of both SAICA (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants) and the ICFP (Institute of Commercial Forensic Practitioners).

With combined experience of over 20 years in management consulting, software and systems analysis as well as forensic investigation individually, both Directors of GDG are well-versed in working alongside top-level individuals and businesses in both the private and public sectors.

Contact us to discuss the service offering available in detail or whatever works, you are the sensei.